Monday, July 25, 2011

We're here!

Just a quick note to let all of you know that we arrived about 24 hours ago and we're safe and sound at Robin's Nest in Montego Bay. Yesterday was a loooooooooong day for everyone. Upon our arrival we took a quick tour, moved into our sleeping rooms (ALL are air conditioned) and then we continued with our preparations for Pandamania Vacation Bible School. VBS Day 1 is over and now the group is waiting for me to debrief with them in the next room. We'll write much more later as time and internet connection allow, but what comes to my mind continually is Jesus and the loaves and fishes. We prayed for children from the community to come to our VBS...and boy did they come! And then they kept coming! There must have been close to 75 young, beautiful, ENERGETIC Jamaican children that joined us today to learn that God is WILD about them. After an amazing morning of crafting, playing, singing, and dancing we fed the children lunch -- sandwiches, oranges, chips and juice. All left fed with food in their bellies and the love of Jesus in their hearts. It was an amazing morning. More later...

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