Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lizards, Cockroaches, and Beautiful Children

We have been at Robin’s Nest for three days now. We have had two lizards in our room…several are still currently residing there. We have also had cockroaches in suitcases and on walls in bathrooms. All the children here are absolutely amazing and beautiful. You can’t help but wonder about their stories and how they ended up in the Nest. I always wonder if it’s hard on the kids to have so many people coming in and out of their lives every week. You get so attached to the children; it will be so hard to leave. While at VBS we have experienced kids from the Nest and kids from the community. They act out and it makes you wonder if they act out because of what they have seen and experienced. Lisa had a magical moment with a little boy from the Nest who was acting out. He was kicking and fighting and punching. Lisa took him, and told him “look at your hands, God made these hands”. They then prayed for a very long time. As they prayed Lisa said she could almost feel the tension leave his body. He has only been at the Nest for about a week we were told and they don’t really know his story yet. This has been an amazing experience and I don’t think any of us will want to leave.

Megan N.

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