Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Thank you for feeding these children...

Ever wonder how all of those fundraising dollars are spent that our youth work hard at raising all year long? Much of the money goes to help support the individual trip costs of our own youth that are trying to afford these mission trips, but some of the money every year is also used to serve others in the communities in which we are travelling. As you may already know, we've been putting on a Vacation Bible School for the kids around the community. We know the stories of the kids at Robin's Nest that are coming with us to VBS, but we don't know much about the children that are coming from the community. We can assume, however, that living in this part of the countryside that they likely aren't getting fed enough to nourish and sustain their growing bodies. I believe strongly that we can't tell kids that God loves them and then send them home hungry. So, I made the commitment that we would feed these children lunch as a part of our Vacation Bible School. The flyers that we made to be passed around the island before our arrival said that there would be free lunch for all of the children that came. And they came.

Here's lunchtime on day 2. Every kid gets fed a sandwich, fruit, chips and juice. If there are any leftover our team will eat with them. Otherwise, we'll come back to the apartment and make some additional sandwiches.

I'm not sure how often these kids get juice. Can you see Marissa with the jug of juice...and all of the kids holding up their cups for more?

After lunchtime we had some oranges leftover. These six children had a race to finish off the pan of them. I'm not so sure I've seen smiles so big before!

Thank you, to every single one of you that took stock in our youth by purchasing shares of youth stock. Your giving makes a difference. Your giving has helped to feed many, many children this week...and in doing so tell these children just how much God loves them. Thank you.

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