Thursday, July 28, 2011

Here's a few images from VBS Day 3.

Delano was so proud of the picture he colored. Every day the kids have a Bible Friend to color. They enjoy that almost as much as the real craft project for the day.

Yesterday the older girls at VBS took hold of almost all of our girls so that they could serve them. Between the workers at the Nest and the older girls at VBS, most of our girls have now gotten their hair braided.

The kids love the VBS music. We spend almost a half hour just singing as the kids arrive each morning. At the end of every song the kids rush to the screen so that they can point out the song they want to sing next. Their favorite song -- "I am Not Forgotten."

We brought a large, white bed sheet for our screen. With the heat and humidity, we have to tape it back up several times a morning. Actually, when we arrive every morning all of our decorations are back on the ground...and then we redo it every day.

Pray that we all come up with enough energy to show and tell the 86 kids today how much God loves them!

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