Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I saw God today...

Most evenings when we gather for devotions we try to center ourselves by sharing where we saw God during the day. Here's the responses from our group this evening.

I saw God today...

…in June, the woman that did all the girls’ hair, because she took time out of her day to do all of that for our girls…and she was enjoying spending time with them and having conversation. –Katie N.

…in all the kids that were listening really well at VBS. (“both of them,” chimed in Terry). –Susan S.

…in Tamana. I was getting frustrated with many of the kids. They weren’t listening and it was such chaos, and then she made me a little colored picture and gave it to me. It was very cool to connect with a little girl in a calm moment amidst the chaos. –Courtney O.

…Nic and I saw God in the pool today. We finally decided to take a dip and it was quite relaxing. –Alex O.

…in Lou today. I told him, “Be an example. Lead these children.” And he just did it. He was watching out for his brothers. It was just cool. –Terry A.

…that is where I saw the God, too. They were excited in helping to pick the fruit for all of the boys in Jake’s house. They were so polite, asking permission to do it, and took such pride in what they were doing. –Kirsten S.

…in Lisa when she calmed Tulroy down. He was going crazy and she calmed him down. –Megan N.

…I saw God in Sun today. We were playing jumprope. I think I jumped thirty times or so and he had it set in his mind that he would jump more. He had so much self-motivation for someone who has almost nothing. The whole time he was jumping he kept saying to himself, “I can do this, I can do this.” –Samantha S.

…in the 3 year olds they asked me to spend some time with. I made a safe place for this child to play called a “holding environment.” Then kids play out whatever is on their mind. It reminded me of how God has us in a safe, holding environment just like that. And that powerful force that is inside of kids to work things out and become who they are going to be. –Sue J.

…In the sandwich girls. They make great sandwiches! --Karen S.

…when the music was playing, “I am not forgotten, I am not forgotten…”’ These people could think they are forgotten, but to hear us singing this with the kids... We are doing a real mission here. –Bob J.

…despite the absolute chaos of the day, I was thinking about Genesis 1. God created something good out of chaos in the creation story. And today, God used us to create something good out of utter chaos. –Pastor Jason

…while we were on our way to the school this morning Lisa said, “I don’t know how God is going to make t-shirts out of nothing…but it’ll happen.” And for a minute there, it seemed to happen. –Kirsten S.

…this morning on our car ride to VBS with Vicki. That was WAY better than an amusement park ride! --Megan S.

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