Thursday, July 28, 2011

our highlights thus far

Many nights at the end of the day we'll share our highs and lows...the best and worst parts of our day. This evening we shared our highs and lows thus far on the trip. Since not all in the group are blogging, I wanted to give you a window into their I took good notes. :) Here are our highlights thus far...

Alex H. – The kid that really knew how to push buttons was actually sad when we were leaving, and he came up to me to say good-bye and said that he was sorry we were leaving.

Alex O. –Toward the end of the week, Lou and I made a handshake…and it felt like I connected with him.

Sam A-P. – Putting the smiles on kids faces by giving them piggy back rides.

Terry A. – Being part of this group, and pushing the edge of my comfort zone.

Kirsten S. – Looking at the stars last night from the roof on the Nest. Going on the fruit picking adventure with Terry and some of the kids…and finally getting to know some of the kids yesterday.

Madeline Y. – Getting to hear Glaston sing last night. It was as though he was singing directly to God.

Emily C. – Meeting so many new people, kids and being in a totally different culture. Also, it has made me so thankful for all that I have.

Courtney O. – VBS. Even though it was utter chaos, the fact that we were spreading the word of God to so many kids was so cool.

Megan N. – Meeting all of the kids and watching Tulroy develop from kicking and fighting, and then being calm with Lisa…and then when more people loved him, there were more and more people that could calm him down.

Marissa T. – Just being here in general; I’ve never been out of the country before.

Susan S. – Connecting with a lot of kids. I got to know a lot of them and when I left there were a lot of people that I had to say good-bye to.

Alice Z. – When Mr. T (an infant) spit up all over Nicole. And, one time I was feeding the cheetos to kids and a kid lied to me about not getting any yet. I told her, you don’t have to lie to get food…I’ll give more to you. She looked at me like “really?”

Nicole L. – That we were able to give these kids food for the day.

Jacqui O. – Seeing all the kids so excited when they were starting to get their t-shirts and the other craft goodies they got to take home every day. You could see how excited they were.

Amber M. – Getting to know all of the kids.

Samantha S. – The day after we made the t-shirts, all of the Robin’s Nest kids were wearing the them. They all came up to me and said, “Hey, we’re the same now.”

Gretchen S. – Meeting all of the kids, and speaking with some of the adults, and getting to know the whole group.

Abby S. – Seeing the kids and their big smiles everyday.

Karen S. – To watch all of the teenagers (teenagers are scary people for adults). Not one of you complained anytime I asked you to do the most disgusting job. I have real hope for our future. I was getting sad about our world…and so I say thank you to all of you for giving me hope again.

Megan S. – The singing of the littlest kids. They all knew the songs and the prayers.

Emily L. – Orlando and I walked back together yesterday. He was on my shoulders and the whole way back we sang “Sanctuary together.

Katie N. – Being able to come back and see how much the Nest has changed since we were here last here. They have done so much.

Jason B-W – Yesterday afternoon when 2 community boys came back to the school and I talked to them for about 20 minutes. When asked about what they had enjoyed this week their response was, “Learning about Jesus.” And, to see you guys let God work through you this week was just phenomenal. You guys are really, really special.

Lisa – Thinking today about all of all the people that made this VBS and trip happen. I looked at the kids with their Bible Buddies and thought of the VBS children from Zumbro that brought in money to buy them for these children. I thought of the Zumbro VBS volunteers that led at our VBS, and then went above and beyond to prepare everything for our trip. And all of the Zumbro quilters that sent quilts for all of the children. And all of the people that bought stock…so many hands were involved in serving these children…way more than just the 27 people that actually came on the trip.

Bob – The boys often sat on my shoulders, and when no music was playing I would hear them quietly singing, “I am not forgotten, I am not forgotten.” And, yesterday I spent an hour-and-a-half life guarding the boys in the pool at the Nest. It was great…really a private time with me and them…to just watch them be boys.

Sue J. – I had the opportunity to work with several of these kids while here. I got to know their awful stories and have some hard conversations, but at the end of the morning today one of the boys specifically sought me out to give me a hug.

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