Thursday, July 28, 2011

Do I really have it that bad?

This week has been... a whole lot of things. Fun, memorable, but mostly exhausting. It's been the most work I've probably ever done in a week in my whole life. But it's been so worth it. There was one moment that hit me in particular, and it happened yesterday at VBS. Every day I always wake up and something comes to my mind, and yesterday the first thing I was thinking of was, "Oh my gosh I miss my bed... Oh my gosh I want my mom... Oh my gosh I miss my phone!" So it's safe to say I started out the day in the completely wrong mind set. Then we got to VBS and I was irritated with all the kids piling all over my sore, tired body. I got up and went to sit on the side of the room and a girl named Tyra asked me if she could play with my hair-of course I said yes. Now my idea of playing with hair was not the same as hers-boy was that painful! She braided, and re-braided, and re-braided again to the point that my head was throbbing. But we began having good conversation. I asked her if she was enjoying VBS and she started telling me about her home life. She was enjoying VBS because it was a three hour break from being at home having to take care of 15 people living in a house the size of a bedroom. She told me braiding hair is her favorite thing to do, even if it's her own, because it helps her to escape from reality. She then proceeded to ask me questions about what it's like to live in the United States, and I answered. At this point my heart was aching for this sweet innocent girl, and then she told me that it's her dream to one day get an education. That is her dream, and that is something that SO many people in the United States, and probably all around the world take for granted. She wants an education, so that she can find a job in the United States and give her family a better life. I need to remember just how good I have things. When I wake up cranky and missing my big bed and my phone, I need to remember how lucky I am. We all should be thankful for the things we have, and remember that we could be living off of a lot less. We must not take anything for granted. Katie N.

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