Monday, July 25, 2011

A Note from Marissa T.

Today was our first full day in Jamaica. To start it off we got up and went for a lovely walk on a road that appeared to once have been all blacktop, but wasn’t exactly anymore. The walk was not only downhill but up, too. After we reached the school we started setting up for the Vacation Bible School. We really had an amazing turn out. Not only did the kids from Robin’s Nest show up, but in addition to them almost 50 kids from the surrounding community joined us. The kids instantly found someone to cling to. I must say, being one with two younger sisters and dealing with them not leaving me alone, it was slightly overwhelming to have so many kids running around and sticking to you. I definitely saw God in them. Their smiles kept me going and I believe others could say that as well. It began raining during VBS and afterwards too. I never thought I would say I was so happy to hear and see the rain!

On the way back a kid handed me a ginup so I tried it. It was so good! After this he proceeded to hand me what I thought was milkweed. He tried to convince me to eat. That God I didn’t as it was Novocain. Being a pre-pharm student it taught me what it looked like and where to get some. Oh, the things you learn while in Jamaica!

Something else that surprised me is how the sunsets are absolutely amazing. It gets dark around 8pm. I had the chance to climb up on the roof of Robin’s Nest and witness it. Very breath-taking.

At VBS we sang a couple songs called “God is Wild About You” and “Not Forgotten.” I believe that not only did the songs get, yet again, stuck in my head, but that God got the message across. That is a message all of us should hear. God loves each and everyone of us and knows us by name. When times get hard it may seem like he has forgotten us, but in reality he hasn’t. No matter what is going on in your life personally, I hope you know that!

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