Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dwelling in the Word

Each night of our trip we have been dwelling in God’s Word. We read Luke 10:1-11 and listen to where God is speaking through a word, phrase or image from the passage that grabs our attention or sparks a memory or insight about our day’s work. We invite you to dwell in this passage today with us. Read it aloud twice, either by yourself or with others. Listen for that word or phrase that grabs your attention and see where God is speaking into your life.

As we have spent time in this passage the reflections about where God is at and how God is working has become deeper and richer each day. I have been humbled by our young people’s ability and desire to follow Jesus. It has been amazing to listen to the ways they have seen God at work among us, often through the children we have come to serve. We want to share some of the insights that our young people heard God speak about tonight.

In order for us to work with other people, we need to extend peace to the people first. I feel like I did that with the kids at Robin’s Nest and the kids who live around there. I could feel the peace when we got to Robin’s Nest. But today, I’m not sure if I was being selfish or what, but I don’t think that I gave this new group the chance to receive the peace and it was harder to know whether they received the peace as well. I think I might have missed out on something today.”

"Jesus says, ‘Don’t carry a purse or bag when you go to do his work.’ I’ve been thinking how we brought all this luggage to the airport and had to take some stuff out of some bags so that we would make them weigh less than 50 lbs. All we really need to bring is ourselves and our love.”

On that same verse another youth said, “If we carry too much stuff with us, we won’t be able to receive the hospitality others give us.”

We have learned this week that doing God’s work with our hands is just as much about being open to where God is already at as it is about what we bring with us. We are looking forward to coming home and seeing where Jesus is already at in our own neighborhoods and meeting him there.

Pastor Jason

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